Browsing articles tagged with " scholars’ rocks"
Aug 31, 2011

Rocco (2011)

I am very happy to announce the publication of Rocco, my first short story for young readers! It is now available through the Kindle Store at the following address:  I hope that you will enjoy reading the adventures of Rocco as much as I enjoyed writing them!

Synopsis: Rocco has lived all his life on the edge of a cliff, which is quite normal for a rock. He is the leader of a small gang that rules the neighbourhood until one fateful day. After an accident that sends him tumbling down the cliff, our hero finds himself in a strange environment. The first night is filled with scary sounds and never before seen creatures. Rocco is forced to re-evaluate his options and embarks on a journey of transformation.

Rocco [Kindle Edition]
Kindle Price: $2.99

Product Details
Format: Kindle Edition
File Size: 27 KB
Publisher: Basic Bruegel Editions (August 29, 2011)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Language: English

ISBN: 978-0-9735206-4-4


For a free sample of the beginning of Rocco please click here.


(This version has been discontinued – October 2013.)

Daniel H. Dugas

Artiste numérique, poète et musicien, Daniel H. Dugas a participé à des expositions individuelles et de groupe ainsi qu’à plusieurs festivals et événements de poésie en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, au Mexique et en Australie. Son treizième recueil de poésie « émoji, etc. » / « emoji, etc. » vient de paraître aux Éditions Basic Bruegel.

Daniel H. Dugas is a poet, musician, and videographer. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions as well as festivals and literary events in North America, Europe, Mexico, and Australia. His thirteenth book of poetry, 'émoji, etc.' / 'emoji, etc.' has been published by the Éditions Basic Bruegel Editions.

Date : Mars / March 2022
Genre : Poésie / Poetry
Français / English

émoji, etc. / emoji, etc.

Date: Mai / May 2022
Genre: Vidéopoésie/Videopoetry


