Browsing articles tagged with " Gabriela Diana Bohnstedt Gavrilaș"
May 27, 2018

Interface (2018)

Our – Valerie LeBlanc and Daniel H. Dugas – video Dreams, which is part of our project Oasis has been shown at INTERFACE|Video Art Event, IXth edition in Romania



Three stills from Dreams, 4k, 5:58 sec.

VisualContainer selection:
Lino Strangis, The dance of wired emotions, 5:15, 2016
Barbara Brugola, Loop, 8:38, 2017
Lucia Veronesi, Seduti nell’oscurità è tutto più chiaro, 4:00, 2017
Flavio Scutti, Rides, 5:26, 2016
Debora Hirsch, ETIX, 1:33, 2003
Cristobal Catalan, Space Scream, 8:00, 2017
Sonia Armaniaco, Disturbed glance, 2:48, 2015


Conflux selection:
Basic Bruegel (Valerie LeBlanc and Daniel H. Dugas), Dreams, 05:58, Canada;
Blas Payri, Three glances at Bacome, 04:40, 2016, Spain;
Christian Merrill, Collapse, Replace, Rebuild, 01:21, 2018, United States;
Damon Mohl, Night Clerk, 01:35, 2017, United States;
Daniel Antal Ary, Sequence, 2018, Universitatea Creștină Parțium, Romania;
David Webber, Letter I, 02:01, 2018, United States;
Eija Temisevä, And suddenly – you realize, 02:32, 2017, Finland;
Guli Silberstein, Impressure, 04:34, 2017, Israel;
Jenny Herrick, Duel, 05:00, 2018, United States;
Juan Carlos García-Sampedro Ferrero, I have come, 04:45, 2018, Spain;
Juliane Saul, Regression, 02:50, 2017, Germany;
Kai Welf Hoyme, Skeleton, 04:34, 2016, Germany;
Kimberly Burleigh, Periphery, 04:53, 2016, United States;
M. Dianela Torres, Uno no es tan débil como para sucumbir ante situaciones así, 04:36, 2017, Mexico;
M. Kardinal, Silencers, 04:57, 2017, Germany;
Marcela Alcalde, Audacia del Tiempo, 03:07, 2017, Argentina;
Mark Freeman, Body/Bag, 02:45, 2017, United States;
Michael Lyons, Film Loop 31: Shisendo, 01:30, Canada/U.K;
Nataša Prosenc Stearns, Untitled (Torso), 03:35, 2016, United States;
Oguzhan Kaya, Propaganda, 03:20,2017, Turkey;
Pierre Ajavon, Full Moon, 02:40,  2018, France;
Pierre Villemin, Glacies, 08:00, 2017, France;
Rafel Arnal, Ferran, 03:07, 2018, Spain;
Robert Sirvent, Dynamic within static (Dinámico en estático), 03:07, 2018, Spain;
Romain Claris, Cousins of clouds, 01:00, 2017, France;
Sevcan Sönmez, I feel like, 03:26, 2017, Turkey;
Steven Fraser, What It Feels Like, 03:00, 2018, United Kingdom;
Tereza M.Matza. Nyctophobia, 2018, Romania;
Theodora Prassa, Lavyrinthos, 02:45, 2017, Greece;
Vasilica Roman, Beyond the Limit.The Quest, 03:39, 2018, University of Oradea, Romania;
Vojtech Domlatil, Waves, 03:00, Czech Republic;
Zlatko Cosic, Story 2: Scenes 1-9, 05:00, 2017, Yugoslavia.



Being able to tridimensionally process images on digital devices allows the video artist to materialize his/her ideas through philosophical approaches of the virtual space, approaches that consider reality the base for future premises.

The interface must be understood not pejoratively, as a superficial surface or a simulation without any conceptual consistency, but as a succession of images representing the same object of reference, transformed in different ways by the artist without losing the concept.

Our proposal is to create hypothetical universes, alternative realities characterized by flexibility and conexions simultaneous to the imaginary world; realities that elude physical, ideological, aesthetic restrictions.

In this manner, the artist selects from the environment and its belonging phenomena, certain features that he/she will eventually either simplify or enrich with abstract elements belonging to the virtual space. Using diverse digital instruments, the artist delivers the idea that dominates the concept of the video project.

The result is an Interface that structures access to the succession of the created video images, that does not depend upon the researched reality because it evolves differently based on the video artist’s subjective and autoreferential choices.

Thus, two apparently contradictory worlds fusion and meet in the world of ideas and they become encrypted, transformed and reinterpreted inside the features and the concept of the future video art film. Although the reality we refer to hallmarks the artistic/aesthetic concept depending on the artist’s choices and attitudes, on his/her perspective on the referential element, the mark that is based on reality will not be visible any longer and therefore, the new image questions the credibility aspect.

The thus created video art brings into discussion the issue of promoting through images the way of perceiving reality through subjectivity, game, scenario, multiple hyper-realities and simulation inside the created virtual space. The end is the destruction of overused conventions on image interpreting; the traditional way of thinking is changed and prejudices about the image itself, about the relation between real and imaginary space, are broken.

We discover, therefore, a virtual labyrinth of ideas that counts on the numerous self-referential elements, apparently simultaneous and arbitrary, dominated by an aesthetic, conceptual chaotic diversity; contrary to this, the video image is an interface between reality and the artist’s video-conceptual subject.

Curator׃ Associate Professor Dr. Gabriela Diana Bohnstedt Gavrilaș


INTERFACE |Video Art Event,  IXth edition will be presented from 05. 19-20, 2018 from 19-02 PM at the White Night of Museums to The Museum of Ţǎrii Crişurilor in Oradea within The days of Țării Crișurilor Muzeum,  University of Oradea, Visual Arts DepartmentFaculty of Arts, Romania and in June in Italy at,, box Videoart Project Space Milano,

Daniel H. Dugas

Artiste numérique, poète et musicien, Daniel H. Dugas a participé à des expositions individuelles et de groupe ainsi qu’à plusieurs festivals et événements de poésie en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, au Mexique et en Australie. Son treizième recueil de poésie « émoji, etc. » / « emoji, etc. » vient de paraître aux Éditions Basic Bruegel.

Daniel H. Dugas is a poet, musician, and videographer. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions as well as festivals and literary events in North America, Europe, Mexico, and Australia. His thirteenth book of poetry, 'émoji, etc.' / 'emoji, etc.' has been published by the Éditions Basic Bruegel Editions.

Date : Mars / March 2022
Genre : Poésie / Poetry
Français / English

émoji, etc. / emoji, etc.

Date: Mai / May 2022
Genre: Vidéopoésie/Videopoetry


