Browsing articles tagged with " Sarah Tremlett"
Oct 12, 2020

From ‘Liberated Words’ (2020)

Re: Videopoetry / Vidéopoésie Interview with Catherine Parayre.
Sarah Tremlett posted the following text on the Liberated Words website:

A while ago I mentioned the launch of the must-have publication on videopoetry ¬¬– Videopoetry / Videopoésie by pioneer Canadian practitioners Daniel H. Dugas and Valerie LeBlanc (Basic Bruegel). Valerie and Daniel have now conducted a really delightful, succinct and revealing interview see with Catherine Parayre, editor at the book’s publishing house The Small Walker Press, Brock University, Ontario.

I am of course not impartial to their work since I was fortunate enough to be invited to write an essay for the book. In doing so I was able to excavate pure gold in terms of the history of videopoetry. This relatively short interview gives a glimpse into their world and how they work together. There are also some clever green screen projections and visually playful (I love the captioned birds behind them!) videos, which seem to have their own voice, almost stealing the thunder from their makers.
Some nuggets include their views on collaboration or shared vision: ‘when we witness the same events … reprocessing what we are seeing in different ways’; and their understanding of the term ‘videopoetry’ as opposed to referencing film, even though ‘the two are permeable today’. For them, they have always used video cameras (changing format across the decades) and worked with video as an accessible medium unlike film. Ultimately Daniel says he likes the term ‘video’ which comes from the Latin videre ‘to see’.

Catherine made a very poignant point about their video images; that though captured in a book, they seem to contain movement, as opposed to the still photograph. She emphasized that they weren’t ‘quite stable’. Daniel pointed out that often they were using older technology; or low grade consumer equipment that creates a ‘ghost’. But I feel there was more to that point, and I have noted how they work with time over and over again in their practice. This sense of passing through with video; the temporal philosophical estrangement of the moment, can become a rich metanarrative in the right hands. For Valerie and Daniel, time falters but does not stop.

Apr 23, 2020

Videopoetry / Vidéopoésie announcement Liberated Words (2020)

Videopoetry = Vidéopoésie

Wonderful news that the mammoth – over 400 pages – publication Videopoetry = Vidéopoésie by leading Canadian videopoets Valerie LeBlanc and Daniel H. Dugas is now out online 

Published by Brock University’s Small Walker Press it is a comprehensive survey of their collaboration over a thirty-year period. Catherine Parayre has written the French introduction, with Lucy English writing in English. It has also been my pleasure to contribute an essay on their extraordinary body of work. In my research it took me a long time to get to know (and relish) all their developments. I am particularly fond of their use of documenting first-hand experience as in ‘Slices of Life’ from the nineties for example; as well as their finely crafted and important ecopoetry films of more recent years. For my in-depth analysis on their filmic and poetic techniques please check out the book itself.

But I would just like to say that what adds to the poetry (that is always succinct, and of its time and place whilst setting us on a philosophical path), is the fact that it is bilingual. This can create comparisons (visual as well as verbal), as one language is typeset next to the other, but also reminds us of their Canadian roots, and all its associations and influences (geographic, artistic and political). The poetry and the videos emanate not just from the combining of two creative fields, and the collaboration and consequent creative marriage of two people, but two significant cultures. This ‘bilinguality’ extends our understanding of what it means to be not just poetically engaged and enlightened but politically aware in the 21st century. Go Read!!!!

Apr 21, 2020

Videopoetry = Vidéopoésie by Sarah Tremlett (2020)

Videopoetry = Vidéopoésie
by Sarah Tremlett, published april 21, 2020 – updated april 23, 2020

Wonderful news that the mammoth – over 400 pages – publication Videopoetry = Vidéopoésie by leading Canadian videopoets Valerie LeBlanc and Daniel H. Dugas is now out online

Published by Brock University’s Small Walker Press it is a comprehensive survey of their collaboration over a thirty-year period. Catherine Parayre has written the French introduction, with Lucy English writing in English. It has also been my pleasure to contribute an essay on their extraordinary body of work. In my research it took me a long time to get to know (and relish) all their developments. I am particularly fond of their use of documenting first-hand experience as in ‘Slices of Life’ from the nineties for example; as well as their finely crafted and important ecopoetry films of more recent years. For my in-depth analysis on their filmic and poetic techniques please check out the book itself.

But I would just like to say that what adds to the poetry (that is always succinct, and of its time and place whilst setting us on a philosophical path), is the fact that it is bilingual. This can create comparisons (visual as well as verbal), as one language is typeset next to the other, but also reminds us of their Canadian roots, and all its associations and influences (geographic, artistic and political). The poetry and the videos emanate not just from the combining of two creative fields, and the collaboration and consequent creative marriage of two people, but two significant cultures. This ‘bilinguality’ extends our understanding of what it means to be not just poetically engaged and enlightened but politically aware in the 21st century. Go Read!!!!

Apr 7, 2020

Videopoetry/Vidéopoésie |SWP launch (2020)

Press Release

Videopoetry / Videopoésie by Daniel H. Dugas and Valerie LeBlanc is launched through the Small Walker Press,​ Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture, Brock University, St. Catharines, ON. The online version of the book has now been released:

The release date for the two-volume paper version has bee​n postponed until fall 2020.

About the book
Our need to revisit and to re-evaluate works completed from the late 1980’s to 2018 led us to the creation of this book. We are happy to share the actual works and documentation of these collaborative and individually based projects.

The texts are in English or French, some are presented bilingually. Introductions by Catherine Parayre and Lucy English as well as in-depth commentary by Sarah Tremlett.

We would like to thank editors Gina Maranto and Catherine Parayre. Thanks to Olivier Lasser for his help with the layout. We acknowledge the support of the New Brunswick Arts Board.

Communiqué de presse

Les éditions Small Walker Press,​ Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture, Brock University, St-Catharines, ON, viennent de lancer Videopoetry / Videopoésie de Daniel H. Dugas et de Valerie LeBlanc. Le livre est maintenant disponible en version numérique / libre accès :

Le lancement de la version papier se fera à l’automne 2020.

À propos du livre
Ce livre réuni des textes et des images provenant de vidéopoèmes réalisés au cours des trente dernières années. Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir partager ici ces œuvres collaboratives et individuelles, textuelles et virtuelles.

Les textes sont en anglais ou en français, certains sont présentés de façon bilingue. Le livre contient des textes d’introduction de Catherine Parayre et de Lucy English ainsi qu’un commentaire détaillé de Sarah Tremlett.

Nous aimerions remercier Gina Maranto et Catherine Parayre pour leur travail d’eìdition. Merci à Olivier Lasser pour son aide avec la mise en page. Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Nouveau-Brunswick de son soutien.


The Small Walker Press addresses the research and creative interests of faculty members at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts at Brock University, and engages with authors, artists and academics alike to produce small, innovative publications.

Aug 14, 2014

Standard de vérité (2014)

Standard de vérité / Standard of Truth has been included in this year’s Liberated Words Festival.
It will be screened on September 13th at the BRISTOL 2014 FESTIVAL.


Excerpt: Children do not have any archives, they are born free. They do not have to worry about all of those boxes of paper stating this or that truth, they do not have to pay storage fees, or check the levels of relative humidity in the vaults. The past has not yet arrived. They have nothing else than life ahead of them. The meaning that flows in their veins is not saturated with antibodies; they are made of oxygen. Maybe that is why they have big smiles.


Here are the people who will be having their films on the theme of ‘Memory’ screened in Liberated Words on 13th September as part of the Bristol Poetry Festival. It’s a great line up. Patrice Etienne, Hala Georges, David Richardson, Tamsin Taylor, Sheila Packa , Edward Kulemin, Chaucer Cameron, Susanne Wiegner, Keith Sargent, Robert Peake, John Scott, Marc NeysMatt MullinsDaniel Dugas, Suzie Hanna, Don Carey, Rhianna Edwards, Trama Afona, Kate Sweeney, Diana Taylor, Meriel Lland, Irina Nedelcu, Antonio Alvarado, Helen Dewbery. for ticket information please follow the link below.

Daniel H. Dugas

Artiste numérique, poète et musicien, Daniel H. Dugas a participé à des expositions individuelles et de groupe ainsi qu’à plusieurs festivals et événements de poésie en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, au Mexique et en Australie. Son treizième recueil de poésie « émoji, etc. » / « emoji, etc. » vient de paraître aux Éditions Basic Bruegel.

Daniel H. Dugas is a poet, musician, and videographer. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions as well as festivals and literary events in North America, Europe, Mexico, and Australia. His thirteenth book of poetry, 'émoji, etc.' / 'emoji, etc.' has been published by the Éditions Basic Bruegel Editions.

Date : Mars / March 2022
Genre : Poésie / Poetry
Français / English

émoji, etc. / emoji, etc.

Date: Mai / May 2022
Genre: Vidéopoésie/Videopoetry


