The seagulls and us (2019)
Politically, we are like a colony of seagulls in a parking lot near McDonald’s or Wendy’s. We look for scraps of food; fries, morsels of meat, even a pickle. We work individually, picking at other birds that threaten to steal what looks like loot. And then amid this disorganized assembly, someone walks by; one man going home or to the grocery store, and all of the birds looking for food fly off in fright. I always find it amazing, that a huge flock of birds can be so afraid of one harmless man going out to run an errand, while longing to lay down on the couch at home. The birds don’t have any understanding of the power they hold. If they were aware, they would stand up to the passer-by and HE would be the one running for his life. But now the man is in his house, watching TV, and he’s probably not even thinking about the birds that are still looking for food and skittering away whenever someone walks by.
Politically, we are like a colony of seagulls found in a parking lot because we seem unable to realize and assume our strengths. We can only conceive of two outcomes for any election: it will be a Liberal government or a Conservative government. In our minds, there are no other possibilities. We either win a fry or a pickle type of government. If we were like the enlightened seagulls of my dreams, we would stand up to passers-by and vote, not for one or the other, but for the party that reflects our beliefs. And we would finally elect someone else, the world would be a better place.
The fear that we have, that if it’s not daytime it must be night-time, can be likened to the fear that makes all birds shake in their boots. Of course, if there was a proportional representation system, or a least an electoral reform like was once promised not too long ago, we would find parking lots with both the birds and the passers-by in happy co-existence.
Daniel H. Dugas
November 6, 2019
What Trudeau said: A look back at Liberal promises on electoral reform
Tania Kohut, December 2, 2016
Why Do Seagulls Hang Out in Parking Lots?
Matt Soniak, June 30, 2014
Image: Library of Congress
Zoo: Billy Sea Gull, July 10, 1920
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