Browsing articles in "vidéo"
Dec 15, 2013

International Film Poetry Festival (2013)


Some of my videos have been selected for the International Film Poetry Festival + Poetry Live CONCERT Show / EMBROS SAT.14.12.2013. read on >>>


στο Ελεύθερο Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Θέατρο ΕΜΠΡΟΣ


ώρα έναρξης 21.00

με συμμετοχές καλλιτεχνών (ποιητών, σκηνοθετών, videoartists) από Ευρώπη, Ασία, Αφρική και Αμερική χαράζοντας μια ιστορική διαδρομή από το 1830 μέχρι το 2013 βασισμένη σε ποιητές της αντικαθεστωτικής κουλτούρας.

Προβάλλονται οπτικοακουστικά αρχεία με την πραγματική φωνή της Sylvia Plath, Anna Sexton, Emily Dickinson, Charles Bukowski, Jack Kerouak, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, σύντομες παρουσιάσεις για William Blake, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire και πολλοί νέοι ποιητές από διαφορετικές χώρες.

Επίσημες συμμετοχές καλλιτεχνών:
Gabriel Stillwater |Unlgy Dog | Daniel Dugas | Πέτρος Πολυμένης | Rrose Present | Melissa Diem | Robert Peake | Dorit Weisman | Laura Focarazzo | Santiago Parres | Sigrun Höllrigl | John D. Scott | Alexander Harikis | Alexandre Braga | Whitney Sparks | Fiona Tinwei Lam | Svetlana Sobcenko | Richard van der Laan | Stuart Pound | Arin E. Zadoorian | Khara Cloutier | Dave Bonta | Ana Barosso | Susanne Stich | Marc Capdevila | Frank Muller | Kelly Oliver and Keary Rosen | Sávio Leite | Udo Prinsen | Marc Tiley | Nick Frontman | συν](κίνηση | Θανάσης Πάνου


έναρξη 23.30


visual art by Void Optical Art Laboratory

…Τί κάνουμε μετά το Όργιο?… Ο Μποντριγιάρ λέει πως ο,τι δεν κατάφερε να πάει πέρα από τον εαυτό του, είναι καταδικασμένο να αναπαράγεται εσαεί. Η κοινωνία φάνηκε ανίκανη να κάνει υπέρβαση του εαυτού της, αγόμενη προς άλλους σκοπούς, και αυτοεγκλείστηκε στη φυλακή της εικόνας της. Σήμερα φαίνονται όλα «απελευθερωμένα», ο κύβος ερρίφθη και το ερώτημα παραμένει πιο επίκαιρο από ποτέ: Τι κάνουμε μετά το Όργιο; Είμαστε άραγε καταδικασμένοι
να προσκρούουμε δίχως καμία δυνατότητα διαφυγής ξανά και ξανά στα τοιχώματα της εικονικής μας φούσκας, σαν τον ήρωα του Truman Show; Εμείς θεωρούμε ότι το ζητούμενο σήμερα είναι να σπάσουμε τη φούσκα της εικονικότητας και να καταστήσουμε απτό και πραγματικό το προσομοιωμένο,
να σπάσουμε τους φόβους & τις μαζικές αυταπάτες. Τότε θα συνειδητοποιήσουμε ότι τίποτα δεν έχει απελευθερωθεί πραγματικάκαι πως ο δρόμος της επανάστασης είναι μπροστά μας σε όλα τα επίπεδα. ..»


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Nov 24, 2013

Co-Kisser Festival (2013)


Le festival Co-Kisser a eu lieu le 19 octobre 2013 à Minneapolis-St-Paul dans l’auditorium du Minnesota College of Art and Design (MCAD). Ma vidéo Glissement faisait partie du programme Soul on the Road – Physics, Math, and Memory.

Glissement est une œuvre qui s’interroge sur la mémoire et l’oubli par le biais d’images héritées de mon oncle Camille. Cet oncle était un organiste de talent, un photographe avide et un homme très privé. Après sa mort, ses photographies et ses diapositives ont été distribuées aux membres de la famille. J’ai reçu des images de Madrid, de Rome et de Paris, mais il y avait peu de contexte pour le matériel. On ne savait pas exactement qui peuplait toutes les images. Alors que la plupart d’entre elles avaient une qualité touristique, d’autres étaient plus personnelles. J’ai remarqué que certaines des couleurs commençaient à s’estomper. Son passé, que personne ne pouvait expliquer, disparaissait lentement. Bientôt, il ne resterait rien. J’ai commencé à superposer les images, à les doubler en espérant leur redonner une nouvelle vitalité.

Immédiatement après la projection du programme j’ai participé avec 3 autres vidéastes à une table ronde qui était centrée autour de la question « Pourquoi choisir la poésie vidéo comme moyen d’expression ». Question intéressante et d’actualité, car la vidéo-poésie est un genre de cinéma/vidéo qui a connu un regain d’intérêt au cours des dernières années. Beaucoup de nouveaux festivals, qui se spécialisent dans ce genre, sont apparus un peu partout dans le monde et il y a maintenant un réseau international d’organisations[1]. Selon Jen March, la directrice du festival, le nom Co-Kisser serait une métaphore pour exprimer l’étreinte entre les mots et les images. Une action et une liaison ; étroite et intense. Les œuvres qui ont été présentées dans le cadre de cette troisième édition étaient à l’image de cet embrassement : hybrides, pluriels et souvent expérimentales.

Je remercie artsnb pour leur aide financière qui m’a permis de me rendre à Minneapolis-St-Paul afin de prendre part aux activités du festival. J’y ai fait de belles rencontres et l’énergie, je devrais dire la synergie, continue de vibrer.

[1] Aux Etats-Unis on retrouve, bien entendu, le festival Co-Kisser mais aussi un autre très récent qui vient de s’établir au Colorado :  The Body Electric Poetry Film Festival.



[1] Aux Etats-Unis on retrouve, bien entendu, le festival Co-Kisser mais aussi un autre très récent qui vient de s’établir au Colorado :  The Body Electric Poetry Film Festival.

Sep 9, 2013

Glissement (2013)


Glissement (2012) has been selected for the C-K Poetry-Film Fest – October 19, 2013, Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

Glissement – (French, English subtitles)
Year / Format Video /2012 / HD
Running time 2 min

My uncle Camille was a gifted organist, an avid photographer and a very private man. When he died, his photographs and slides were distributed to family members, but nobody was able to provide any context for the material. I received one binder with images of Madrid, Rome and Paris. While most of them had a touristic quality attached to them, others were more personal.

As I looked at the images, I noticed that some of the colours were starting to fade away. His past, that nobody could explain, was slowly disappearing. Soon there would be nothing left.

I started to superimpose the images, to double them up in hopes that the memories embedded in there would gather new strength, new life.

Apr 11, 2013

Insomnie at La parola immaginata (2013)

Insomnie (2012) has been selected for the 6th EDITION of the video poetry competition LA PAROLA IMMAGINATA in Treviglio, Italy.


La parola immaginata




Trevigliopoesia is VIDEOPOETRY: Video-Art, Video Documentary and Poetry Film.
The word as language but also a symbol that becomes an element as the expression of thoughts, images, visions of the poets and their lives. Combining inspirations and influences from the field of philosophy, music, theatre and literature the result of the artistic creation meet the public showing the perfect union between POEM and VIDEO.

Under the patronage of the Office of Culture of the town of Treviglio, the arts association Nuvole in viaggio advertises the sixth edition of the video poetry competition LA PAROLA IMMAGINATA.


  • ALMADHOUN, Ghayath / SILKEBERG, Marie – “Your Memory is My Freedom” (Sweden)
  • CAPDEVILA, Marc / ZANOGUERA, Tià / BALASCH, Albert – “A fora” (Spain)
  • DALLA LIBERA, Antonio – “Firenze sovietica” (Italy)
  • DIEM, Melissa – “The one about the bird” (Ireland)
  • DUGAS, Daniel – “Insomnia” (Canada)
  • GEMMI, Alberto – “Go Burning Atacama Go” (Italy)
  • LeBLANC, Valerie – “Missing Parade Notes” (Canada)
  • NEYES, Marc (Swoon) – “Drift” (Belgium)
  • PEETERS, Jan – “Guesswork. Variation 8″ (Belgium)


  • CASCONE, Graziano / MARCHETTI, Ilaria (Liceo Artistico Statale Casorati di Novara) – “L’alba” (Italy)



  • all the videos are going online at by the end of april
  • selected videos are going to be shown in TREVIGLIOPOESIA 2013 (details soon available on this site); the winner is going to be announced during the last evening event of the Festival (june 2, 2013)


La parola immaginata


L’Associazione culturale Nuvole in viaggio, con il patrocinio e il sostegno dell’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Treviglio, indìce la sesta edizione del concorso internazionale di videopoesia LA PAROLA IMMAGINATA.

Hanno partecipato al concorso opere in video (edite o inedite), realizzate a partire dall’anno 2011, che abbiano come riferimento una poesia (edita o inedita): libere ri- creazioni – per immagini, suoni e parole – di testi poetici.


  • ALMADHOUN, Ghayath / SILKEBERG, Marie – “Your Memory is My Freedom” (Sweden)
  • CAPDEVILA, Marc / ZANOGUERA, Tià / BALASCH, Albert – “A fora” (Spain)
  • DALLA LIBERA, Antonio – “Firenze sovietica” (Italy)
  • DIEM, Melissa – “The one about the bird” (Ireland)
  • DUGAS, Daniel – “Insomnia” (Canada)
  • GEMMI, Alberto – “Go Burning Atacama Go” (Italy)
  • LeBLANC, Valerie – “Missing Parade Notes” (Canada)
  • NEYES, Marc (Swoon) – “Drift” (Belgium)
  • PEETERS, Jan – “Guesswork. Variation 8″ (Belgium)



  • CASCONE, Graziano / MARCHETTI, Ilaria (Liceo Artistico Statale Casorati di Novara) – “L’alba” (Italy)



  • entro la fine di aprile tutti i video saranno messi online e saranno visibili sul sito
  • i video saranno presentati all’interno di TREVIGLIOPOESIA 2013 (il programma completo sarà a breve disponibile sul sito); il video vincitore sarà proclamato nel corso dell’ultima serata del festival (2 giugno 2013)

Mar 13, 2013

Insomnie at PoetryFilm (2013)


My video, Insomnie, will be screened as part of a special one-off PoetryFilm event celebrating the Equinox with a bespoke programme of experimental short films and poetry performances exploring: circles, cycles, sequences, planets and patterns.

Venue: Charlotte Street Hotel Cinema (located downstairs)

Address: 15-17 Charlotte Street, London WIT 1RJ. Nearest tubes: Tott Court Road or Goodge Street (Northern Line).

PoetryFilm celebrates films based on poems, poems turned into films, collaborations, text-based films, and other avant-garde text/image material. Events feature short films accompanied by live performances or discussion.

Synopsis: A television show on the Big Bang theory adds to the anguish of not being able to sleep. What would happen to dreaming if time itself disappeared?



Ma vidéo, Insomnie, sera présentée au PoetryFilm lors de l’événement Equinox au Charlotte Street Hotel Cinema, à Londres.

Synopsis: Une émission de télévision sur la théorie du Big Bang vient ajouter à l’angoisse de ne pas pouvoir dormir. Qu’arriverait-il au sommeil si le temps lui-même disparaissait ?


PoetryFilm Equinox

*Circles, Cycles, Sequences, Planets, Patterns*

A special PoetryFilm event celebrating the Equinox with a bespoke programme of experimental short films, poetry readings and music performances exploring circles, cycles, sequences, planets and patterns.

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: Charlotte Street Hotel Cinema (located downstairs)

Address: 15-17 Charlotte Street, London WIT 1RJ. Nearest tubes: Tott Court Road or Goodge Street (Northern Line).

For further information, please contact Malgorzata at

Agrandir le plan


FLOATERS IN THE EYE (Antoinette Zwirchmayr, 3m)
The text of Paul Celan’s poem Schliere (Floaters) is printed with a Braille writing machine onto black leader, thus translating it into Braille writing. The 16mm film is actually readable to a blind person through physical touch, though projected onto the screen the writing transforms into an unidentifiable code of bright spots. These sequences are cut with sewing scenes, the sewing referencing the restrictions of (visual) language to a blind person, and perhaps also the limits of language itself.

THERE IS NO ORIGINAL (dir: Stephen Snell, Steven Chamberlain; words: Steve Coxon; sound: Ohmm, 3m51)
The film was created entirely on sticky tape.

The sticky tape is played through a specially adapted projector which creates unusual visuals. The experimental medium pioneered here lends itself to processes usually associated with montage, direct to film techniques and media specific techniques, notably “flayed paper”.

ONE MOMENT PASSES (words: Robert Lax; computer animation: Susanne Wiegner, 3m)
One Moment Passes is a meditative game of patterns with “is” and “was”; past and present. Three different time layers – the past, present and future – are put on top of each other to create the very moment of presence. The film starts and ends with a step-by-step perception: reading, hearing, seeing.

INSOMNIA (dir: Daniel Dugas, 3m)
Dictionaries hold all the words of languages and images hold all the feelings in the world.  A television show about the Big Bang theory adds to the anguish of not being able to sleep. What would happen to dreaming if time itself disappeared?


Simon Barraclough is the author of Los Alamos Mon Amour (Salt, 2008), Bonjour Tetris (Penned in the Margins, 2010) and Neptune Blue (Salt, 2011). He is the editor of Psycho Poetica (Sidekick Books, 2012) and co-deviser and co-author of The Debris Field (Sidekick Books, 2013).

This evening he will read “the planet suite” from Neptune Blue.

QUANTUM LOVE (dir: Laura Focarazzo; sound art: David Horner, 6m)
Inspired by quantum physics, the film explores the idea of uncertainty.

DRIFT (Mark Khalife, 5m07)
A couple lives on the other side of the world to each other and cannot be awake at the same time. The film explores dualities of time and through a circadian cycle spanning two time zones.

METAMORPHOSE DU PAPILLON (Dir: Pere Ginard and Laura Gines, 5m)
A revision / reinterpretation / rewriting of Gaston Ville’s eponymous film (1906) exploring the cycle of life through metamorphosis.


Tim Cumming
Tim Cumming was born in Solihull and was brought up in the West Country. His poetry collections include The Miniature Estate (1991), Apocalypso (1992, 1999), Contact Print (2002) and The Rumour (2004). His work has appeared in anthologies including The Forward Poems of the Decade, and Identity Parade (Bloodaxe). He made the acclaimed Hawkwind: Do Not Panic documentary for the BBC in 2007 and writes regularly for The Independent and The Guardian on music and the arts. His film poem Radio Carbon was premiered at PoetryFilm at the Renoir cinema in 2009.

This evening Tim Cumming will read new poems including Plate Tectonica, which features the mathematical algorithm as a metaphor.

THE SHELL OF THE WORLD (dir. and words: Robert Peake; music: Valerie Kampmeier, 10m39)
A sequence of 7 parts exploring patterns of belonging and alienation. Shot on iPhone and edited on a laptop.

KISSING IN HATS (dir: Stuart Pound; words: Rosemary Norman, 1m30)
The poem is a villanelle, a verse form where the regular repetition of two key lines gives added urgency to what is being said. The effect is intensified by multiple looping of the speaker’s voice as a moving path scans across four line drawings.

ANFORTAS (dir: Carolyn Radio an Alanna Simone; words: Carolyn Radio, 5m24)
The work was originally produced as a 3-channel, 3-wall installation and is being shown tonight as a single film. Anfortas is a stop-motion animation of everyday objects used to convey larger metaphysical ideas. Woven choreographies of red and white items are overlaid with a story intertwining creation myths with a knight’s quest for the transformative vessel.

MY FILM ENTRY (dir: Neil Ira Needleman, 1m50)
The director writes: “It would be too easy to write something here about “life imitating art” or “art imitating life”. But it’s much simpler than that. Here’s how I see it: the world has become a complicated place. Too complicated for me. I now seek solace, salvation and inner peace by performing tasks that are simple and pure. In a complicated and ambiguous world, it doesn’t get any simpler than this. I hope you enjoy it, because as soon as this video is over, the complications begin. Simply yours, Neil.”

Words and Sounds:

Niall McDevitt is a poet, author of b/w (Waterloo Press, 2010), literary tour guide ( and poetry editor of International Times (

This evening he will perform with a bodhran drum which is circular and beautifully patterned. His poems will celebrate the millennium, the drum, and the zero

Mar 6, 2013

Under New Management – Video Store (2013)

I am happy to be part of the Under New Management – Video Store project (March 7 – April 12, 2013), which opens tomorrow at the Odd Gallery in Dawson, YK. I have a few titles included in the show: The Walls Have Ears (2002), Easy Not Easy (2004) , Slide (2012), Standard de vérité (2012), Insomnia (2012), Évanescence (2012), Gull (2011)  and Camille, Andrew, Katrina et Cie (2009). Good luck with the opening!


The following is from: :

Frankly, we’re not your typical video store. Far from it! In fact, Under New Management is a virtual entertainment funhouse allowing you to pay-what-you-wish. We have many rare titles and a unique rental policy!

Video Store is a gallery exhibition that takes the form of a video rental store. The project employs the characteristics of the retail environment to connect to the local community while, challenging the gallery’s role as an intermediary that delimits the viewer’s direct access to art. Video titles in stock are artists’ works procured through an open call for submissions . “Customers” are asked to pay what they wish, which can be interpreted as cash, a non-monetary exchange, critique, or no remuneration. This facet is in place as an experimental form of engagement, where artists have the opportunity to receive responses directly from viewers. In turn, the viewer has an uncommon channel to the artist. In addition to payment, rental and return are also on an honour-system basis to remove barriers that exist due to membership requirements, deposits, and return policies at commercial ventures.

Including video works by: Alleyway A.G., Artlitwell, Perry Bard, Aleks Bartosik, Steve Basham, Sarah Beck, Ashley Bedet, Simon Belleau, Stephane Boutet, Theodore Boutet, Pierre Chaumont, Millie Chen, Michèle Clarke, Eva Colmers, Claro Cosco, Sarah DiPaola, Robert Dayton, Zoran Dragelj, Daniel Dugas, Megan Dyck, Caz Egelie, Clint Enns, Sky Fairchild-Waller, Simon Frank, Lisa Folkerson, Sarah Fortais, Kandis Freisen, Stephen Paul Fulton, Daniel Gallay, Paul Gordon, Shlomi Greenspan, Keeley Haftner, Martin Hamblen, Ursula Handleigh, Sienna Hanshw, Mike Hansen, Paul Harrison, Mathew Hayes, Stefan Herda, Karen Hibbard, Candice Irwin, Felix Kalmenson, Eva Kolcze, Apostoly Peter Kouroumalis, Toni Latour, Anastasia Lognova, Christopher Lacroix, Valerie LeBlanc, Renee Lear, Melanie Loew, Duncan MacDonald, Adrienne Marcus Raja, Lyla Rye, Mani Mazinani, Penny McCann, Arlin McFarlane, Kristine Mifsud, Gordon Monahan, Caroline Monnet, Didier Morelli, Grey Muldoon, Midi Onodera, Juan Ortiz-Apuy, Ryan Park, Jason Penney, Iqrar Rizvi, Jade Rude, Matthieu Sabourin, Liana Schmidt, Olivia Simpson, Tom Smith, Leslie Supnet, Maya Suess, Laura Taler, Aislinn Thomas, Peter Von Tiesenhausen, Carolyn Tripp, Carmen Victor, vsvsvs, Ellen Wetmore, Elinor Whidden, Oauk Wiersbinski, Damien Worth, Robert Zverina… and many more!

UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT (UNM) is comprised of the curatorial team Suzanne Carte and Su-Ying Lee, a collective of cultural producers working in contemporary art. Operating as a mutable entity, UNM re-invents roles and shifts boundaries to inspire production and engagement. Collaboration with new and experimental strategies is at the forefront of their practice.

Suzanne Carte is an independent curator and critical art writer. Currently, she works as the Assistant Curator at the Art Gallery of York University (AGYU) focusing on an integrative model to utilize public programming as a pedagogical tool within the academic institution. Previously she held positions as outreach programmer for the Blackwood Gallery and the Art Gallery of Mississauga and as professional development and public program coordinator at the Ontario Association of Art Galleries. She is on the Board of Directors of C Magazine, an international art quarterly devoted to promoting critical discussion about contemporary art. Within Suzanne’s independent practice, she has curated exhibitions in public spaces, artist-run centres, commercial and public art galleries including All Systems Go!, Under New Management, MOTEL and Man’s Ruin. Suzanne recently completed her Masters of Contemporary Art at the Sotheby’s Art Institute in New York City.

Su-Ying Lee is the Assistant Curator at the Museum of Canadian Contemporary Art (MOCCA) and most recently completed a one-year curatorial residency at the Justina M. Barnicke Gallery, funded by the Canada Council for the Arts. Lee has both institutional experience and a number of independent projects to her credit. She has curated exhibitions that include the work of Kent Monkman and Lawrence Weiner and commissioned the work of Harrell Fletcher and Wendy Red Star. Her curatorial practice has been steadily evolving into the expanded field. Lee is interested in the role of curator as co-conspirator, accomplice and active agent. She seeks new ways to mobilize art, audiences and context.

Klondike Institute of Art and Culture

Click here to download the exhibition brochure


Oct 16, 2012

4e festival international de vidéopoésie “por la tierra” (2012)

Evanescencia a été sélectionné pour faire partie du 4e festival international de vidéopoésie POR LA TIERRA. L’événement, organisé par VideoBardo, aura lieu à Buenos Aires en Argentine du 27 novembre au 2 décembre 2012. La traduction est de Maria Fernanda Arentsen, que je remercie ici chaleureusement.

Évanescencia  (2012) 2:28 min

Synopsis : Quelle est cette épouvante, cette épouvantable époque d’évanescence dans laquelle nous vivons ? Tout s’efface rapidement, brusquement. Ce qui s’était posé devant le regard avec tant d’effervescence s’est enfui presque instantanément, a disparu en nous touchant.

Sinopsis: ¿Qué espanto es éste, espantosa época de evanescencia en que vivimos? Todo se disipa rápidamente, bruscamente. Lo que se había posado ante la mirada con tanta efervescencia huyó casi al instante, desapareció tocándonos.


Liste de la sélection


08 OCTUBRE 2012 (from: Videobardo)

Resultados Convocatoria Internacional de Videopoesía – VideoBardo 2012 / Results of International Videopoetry Open Call – VideoBardo 2012
Videos seleccionados para la programación del IV Festival Internacional de Videopoesí­a “por la Tierra”, del 27 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre 2012 en Buenos Aires (Argentina) /// Selected videos for the IV International Videopoetry Festival “for the Earth”, Buenos Aires (Argentina) from 27th november to 2nd december 2012

Por orden alfabético / In alphabetical order

– Alberto Roblest (Mexico), “Pulgarcito”
– Alisson Sbrana (Brasil / Brazil), “Profana Vía Sacra”
– Andrea Pagnes & Verena Stenke (Italia & Alemania / Italy & Germany), “Sin fin”
– Ángel Pastor (España / Spain), “Caigudes”
– Antonio Alvarado (España / Spain), “Mujeres fumadoras”
– Antonio Alvarado (España / Spain) “Mujer de materia gris”
– Art al Quadrat (España / Spain), “Sanación”
– Avanca – Carlos Silva (Portugal), “Terram, terra e mar”
– Bárbara de Azevedo (Brasil / Brazil), “Macro sobrevivencia”
– Bartolomé Ferrando (España / Spain), “Xifres”
– Blick (Francia / France) “Merci”
– Bridget Sutherland (Nueva Zelanda / New Zealand), “Twelve hours of daylight”
– Carola Reboredo (Argentina), “Challwa”
– Caterina Davinio (Italia / Italy), “The first poetry space shuttle landing on second life”
– César Espino Barros (Mexico), “Mystic Sex”
– Daniela Novoa Mahecha (Argentina), “Agua”
– Daniel Dugas (Canada), “Evanescencia”
– Danny Winkler & Emilia Loseva (Inglaterra & Rusia / UK & Russia), “Twelve haikus in lethargy”
– Diego Fiori (Italia / Italy), “Rebus”
– Dier (España / Spain), “Todos esos momentos se perderán”
– Eduardo Romaguera (España / Spain), “Pez”
– Eduardo Romaguera (España / Spain), “Captcha”
– Erdem Şimşek (Turquía / Turkey), “Remaining birds song”
– Erena Tarha (España / Spain), “Sueño tierra”
– Fausto Grossi (Italia / Italy), “Everything is possible… do it”
– Federico Tinelli (Italia / Italy), “Extra Heimat”
– Fiona Tinwei Lam (Canadá), “Aquarium”
– Fundación Hölderlin (Argentina), “Empédocles”
– Fundación Hölderlin (Argentina), “Las aventuras de Gatucho”
– Gabriela Alonso (Argentina), “Aguas del Rí­o de La Plata”
– George Aguilar (EE.UU. / USA), “Elegantly forbidden”
– Gerard Wozek & Mary Russell (EE.UU. / USA), “Apocrypha”
– Graciela Gutiérrez Marx (Argentina), “Arte Correo”
– Gruppo Sinestetico (Italia / Italy) “Homage to Joseph Beuys”
– Gustavo Schwartz (Argentina), “Madrecita”
– Gustavo Schwartz & Liliana Lukin (Argentina), “Lo que goteas”
– Henry Gwiazda (EE.UU. / USA), “The Process”
– Ignacio Mendia (Argentina) “Parásito polilla corazón”
– Jakob Kirchheim & Teresa Delgado (Alemania / Germany), “Terrorsounds”
– Jan Peeters (Bélgica / Belgium), “Meine heimat”
– John Bennet & Nicolas Carras (EE.UU. & Francia / USA & France), “4 short pieces”
– Jorge Daffunchio (Argentina), “Mímesis”
– Jorge Daffunchio (Argentina), “OK John, Paul… lo hice”
– Karina Vasquez, Paula Balfagon & Diego Gómez (Argentina), “Tiempo y diálogo”
– KirsiMarja Metsähuone (Finlandia / Finland), “Roam”
– Lisi Prada (España / Spain), “Un minuto de tregua”
– Lola López-Cózar (España / Spain), “Principios”
– Lucas Turturro (Argentina), “Cubicaja o del encierro”
– Luz Rapoport & Guadalupe Muro (Argentina), “Cactus”
– Mar Garrido (España, Spain), “La casa de la playa”
– Mark Sutherland & Paul Giaschi (Canadá), “The Abysmal Legacy of Metropolis”
– Markus Keim (Austria), “Vanishing Point”
– Mónica Barros (Chile), “Subtodo”
– Muriel Montini (Francia / France), “Les jeux d’énfants”
– Natalia Rizzo & Eduardo Basualdo (Argentina), “Un par de cositas nuestras”
– Natalija Ž. Živković (Serbia), “Inbreathe 2″
– Natalija Ž. Živković (Serbia), “The science about the street”
– Nicola Frangione (Italia / Italy), “Incorporalitá”
– Olga Tzimou (Grecia / Greece), “You cannot be known”
– Protasia & Agripino (España / Spain), “Las islas”
– Rafael Álvarez Domenech (Cuba), “Azelvizaje”
– Rafael Álvarez Domenech (Cuba), “Para Performance”
– Rafael Álvarez Domenech (Cuba), “Sin Título”
– Rainer Junghanns (Alemania / Germany), “GMT + The voyage in sequences”
– Ralph Kistler (Alemania / Germany), “Social Netwalks”
– Roberto Santaguida (Canadá), “Haikus of karaoke”
– Roberto Sechi (Brasil / Brazil), “H mudo”
– Roberto Sechi (Brasil / Brazil), “Soneto d’alcova”
– Rodolfo De Matteis (Italia / Italy), “Oda a la Tierra”
– Ruggero Maggi (Italia / Italy), “En los pliegues del tiempo y del espacio”
– Sarah Tremlett (Inglaterra / UK), “She / Seasons / Contemplating Nature”
– Slawomir Milewski (Polonia / Poland), “Ecstasy of St. Agnes”
– Sonia Bertotti (Argentina), “Puntada”
– Susanne Wiegner & Robert Lax (Alemania / Germany), “Just midnight”
– Tom Konyves (Canada), “All this day is good for”
– Video Out – Jennifer Campbell (EE.UU. / USA), “Precipitate”
– Video Out – Jennifer Campbell (EE.UU. / USA), “Point no point”
– Wei-Ming Ho (Taiwan), “The Art-Qaeda Project”
– Yael Rosenblut (Chile), “Escena pasional del arte”


Sep 15, 2012

MPB at the WPGC (2012)

World Portable Galleries Convention 2012

Halifax, NS

A collaborative work instigated by Daniel Dugas and Valerie LeBlanc

Here is a first glimpse at the project.  We will be adding to the documentation.

For the WPGC we assembled a bamboo ‘fishing pole’ and hooked up a mini-spy cam to it. Valerie put on the MPB and we stepped out to explore views of the city not readily visible to passersby. We talked with other pedestrians and pointed the camera into spaces that they were interested in examining. Several of the WPGC curators and Eye Level Members stepped out with us to try out the apparatus. As images were transferred from the spycam to the MPB monitor, we used a separate camcorder to record what the spycam saw.

With Michael McCormack (fishing pole) and Matthew Carswell (camera)

Michael Eddy (fishing pole) looking at the sign

Valerie LeBlanc carrying the MPB on Argyle St.

Michael Eddy lifting the fishing pole

In front of the Tony’s Pizza on Robie St., diners onlooking

Andrew McLaren on corner of Cunard and Robie, September 7 during the opening at the 161 Gallon Gallery

This project has been made possible with the support of artsnb

and EyeLevel Gallery and its funders

Daniel H. Dugas

Artiste numérique, poète et musicien, Daniel H. Dugas a participé à des expositions individuelles et de groupe ainsi qu’à plusieurs festivals et événements de poésie en Amérique du Nord, en Europe, au Mexique et en Australie. Son treizième recueil de poésie « émoji, etc. » / « emoji, etc. » vient de paraître aux Éditions Basic Bruegel.

Daniel H. Dugas is a poet, musician, and videographer. He has participated in solo and group exhibitions as well as festivals and literary events in North America, Europe, Mexico, and Australia. His thirteenth book of poetry, 'émoji, etc.' / 'emoji, etc.' has been published by the Éditions Basic Bruegel Editions.

Date : Mars / March 2022
Genre : Poésie / Poetry
Français / English

émoji, etc. / emoji, etc.

Date: Mai / May 2022
Genre: Vidéopoésie/Videopoetry


